History of Western Oaks
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2023
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $58.95 to $61.90 per month effective January 1, 2023.
Notice provided in the letter to property owners.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2022
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $56.15 to $58.95 per month effective January 1, 2022.
Notice provided in the letter to property owners.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2021
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $53.48 to $56.15 per month effective January 1, 2021.
Notice provided in the letter to property owners.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2020
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $50.93 to $53.48 per month effective January 1, 2020.
Notice provided in the letter to property owners.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2019
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $48.51 to $50.93 per month effective January 1, 2019.
Notice provided in the letter to property owners.
Tennis Court Improvements
May 17, 2018
The Western Oaks Tennis Court, next to the pool, has started to be improved. Work began on 4/5/2018 and new concrete was poured on 5/23/2018.
Notice provided in the tennis update, dated 5/17/2018, under the special assessment page.
Basketball Court Improvements
April 15, 2018
The Western Oaks Basketball Court has officially been upgraded and now includes a crack-repaired surface, two brand new, adjustable glass basketball hoops, a brand new pickleball net and even a new a fence. The court looks fantastic and provides a tangible example of what can happen when Western Oaks Property Owners set critical improvement goals for our amenities. Many of you have already stopped by to visit the court and if you haven’t, please do!
Notice provided in the basketball plan update under the special assessment page.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2018
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $46.20 to $48.51 per month effective January 1, 2018.
Notice provided in the letter to property owners.
Special Assessment Approved
April 4, 2017
The members of the Western Oaks Property Owners Association (WOPOA) passed a special assessment at the annual meeting held on April 4, 2017. There was a quorum and over 2/3 of the votes were in favor of it. The special assessment will be levied proportionally against each lot in the amount of $1,500 per lot.
Notice provided in the email notification to property owners.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2017
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $44.00 to $46.20 per month effective January 1, 2017.
Notice provided in the email notification to property owners.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2016
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $42 to $44 per month effective January 1, 2016.
Notice provided in the December 2015 newsletter.
New Web Site Released
July 28, 2015
In June 2015, Chris Stansbury took over the Western Oaks web site administration from Randy Kolb. Chris published an updated site on July, 28, 2015.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
February 1, 2014
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $40 to $42 per month effective February 1, 2014.
Notice provided in the December 2013 newsletter.
New Electronic Locks Installed at Pool Gate
May 1, 2013
The WOPOA Board of directors approved to installation of a new electronic gate locks.
Notice provided in the May 2013 newsletter.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2012
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $37 to $38.50 per month effective January 1, 2012.
Notice provided in the November 2011 newsletter.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2011
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $36 to $37 per month effective January 1, 2011.
Notice provided in the December 2010 newsletter and the October 2010 newsletter.
New Web Site Released
May 1, 2009
Randy Kolb and Sarah Svec released a new web site, www.westernoakspoa.org, for Western Oaks property owners. Copies of previous newsletters and historical pieces were used in the creation of the site.
Notice provided in the May 2009 newsletter.
Neighbor's Yard Featyred on KLRU
April 30, 2009
Western Oaks neighbor featured on a KLRU show, "Central Texas Gardener", showing off their home's front yard transformation.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
February 1, 2009
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase to $36 per month effective February 1, 2009.
Notice provided in the December 2008 newsletter.
Web Site for Newsletters
February 1, 2006
Janet Maupin, the Western Oaks newsletter editor, reports that past copies of our newsletters can be found online at www.wopoa.org. This is the first record of a WOPOA web site.
You can view the old site using the Wayback Machine at Internet Archive.
Notice provided in the February 2006 newsletter.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2005
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase to $34 per month effective January 1, 2005.
Notice provided in the December 2004 newsletter.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2004
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase to $32.50 per month effective January 1, 2004.
Notice provided in the December 2003 newsletter.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
January 1, 2003
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $29.00 to $30.45 per month effective January 1, 2003.
Notice provided in the November 2002 newsletter.
Monthly Dues Increase Approved
July 1, 2001
The WOPOA Board of directors approved an increase to the annual assessment to property owners. The monthly dues will increase from $27 to $28 per month effective July 1, 2001.
Notice provided in the May 2001 newsletter.
Formation of Land Development Committee
May, 1983
Our Land Development Committee began life as the Western Oaks Neighborhood Association (WONA) to deal with a zoning issue before the City of Austin after the JW Smith's bankruptcy.
Please read the full account in the November 2002 newsletter.
Western Oaks History (1984-2008)
May, 1983
A former property owner, Nelson A. Logan, authored a twenty eight page history regarding the Western Oaks neighborhood covering the period of 1984 through 2008. Lots of pictures and maps included in his piece.
The Changes in the Vicinity of Western Oaks (1984-2008) (11 MB), by Nelson A Logan of 7003 Fence Line Drive.
The purpose of these notes is to remark upon the transformation that occurred in the vicinity of the Western Oaks development in the period that I was a homeowner living at 7003 Fence Line Drive - September 1981 to August 2005. I used the date span 1984 to 2008 in the title assigned to these notes because of the availability to me of an aerial view of Western Oaks captured on February 16, 1984 and a Google Earth image captured on January 31, 2008.
JW Smith at Austin City Council Meeting
September 10, 1981
J. W. Smith appears before the Austin City Council to fight for 1800 water taps for Western Oaks.
See City of Austin Council Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1981.
Parade of Homes in Western Oaks
In 1979, the Austin Parade of Homes took place in J. W. Smith's Western Oaks homes.
Western Oaks 1st Annual Meeting of Members
August 22, 1978
Notice to Western Oaks residents of the upcoming Annual Meeting of Property Owners.
Please take notice that the first Annual Meeting of the Western Oaks Property Owners Association will be held on Tuesday, August 22, 1978, at 6:30 pm at the Catfish Barn on 290 West, just beyond the "Y" at Oak Hill.
Western Oaks Opens Pool
April 30, 1977
Announcement to Western Oaks residents regarding the opening of the new swimming pool.
The pool will be opened initially on Saturday, the 30th of April. Until the local school season ends, the pool will be open on weekends only. Thereafter, the pool will be open seven days a week. Pool hours will be from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Western Oaks quiet, close in
October 24, 1976
Article on Western Oaks subdivision in the Austin American Newspaper.
WESTERN OAKS - Builder J. W. Smith's Western Oaks community in a choice area of Southwest Austin offers a convenient location, a beautifully wooded setting, and homes built by the man who built a reputation in quality. Open House will be held today at 7001 Hanging Oak, a luxurious three-bedroom home with a study, two fireplaces, and enough bookcases to accommodate a professor's library.
Western Oaks Formation
August 14, 1975
J. W. Smith forms the Western Oaks Property Owner Association (WOPOA) in August 1975.
See Articles of Incorporation in the Board Documents.
JW Smith Starts Western Oaks Development
J. W. Smith starts Western Oaks development in 1974. City of Austin annexes Western Oaks in 1975.
See City of Austin Council Meeting Minutes, September 10, 1981, page 1 of Attachment A.